Sunday, April 27, 2014

Welcome to this blog!

Welcome to this blog.  I'm glad you have found it.

This online journal is an attempt to share some of my experiences while taking a three month sabbatical from my parish work as a pastor.  I look forward to taking you to places that I will have the privilege to visit.  I want to record many of the things seen, heard and pondered so we can share together this time. Spiritual insights will be shared with the hope that apart and together we will seek a renewal of spirit and a reaffirmation of life with God who is the source of our strength and life.

Please pray for me as I am about to begin this spiritual journey of rest and renewal, as I will pray for you.



1 comment:

  1. I have logged on to your site for the first time and want to wish you and family well on this journey you are starting. I am delighted for you as well as a little envious - Switzerland is my dream spot to visit. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers as you renew your passion for the service of our Lord that you do so well.
