Friday, June 20, 2014

Iona, Scotland

After taking a plane, a train, a ferry, a bus, & another ferry, we finally reached our destination of Iona, Scotland. Iona is a small Isle off the west coast of Scotland,  It is only 1.5 miles wide by 3 miles long, with a population of around 120 permanent residents.  Despite this, Iona has a large presence in the history of our Christian faith.  It is well known as being "the cradle of Christianity" resulting from the Christian mission of the Irish Saint Columba who came to Iona during the 6th century A.D with twelve of his followers.  He built a monastery which became his outpost to bring Christianity to Scotland and Northern England.

Almost all who visit recognize that somehow this sacred Isle is set apart from other earthly sites.  After visiting Iona during the 1950's, two spiritual seekers, George and Helen Sandwith, relate: "What is the magic in the name Iona which lures men and women from the far corners of the earth to the tiny rocky island off the west coast of Scotland? Surely not the scenery, for there is more magnificence on the mainland of Scotland. It must be something deeper. Something knocking on the heart which speaks of mystery and holiness, of dreams and truths which have outlived time....There is an indescribable atmosphere in Iona as if a 'Presence' dwells in the hallowed soil of the tiny island which has been washed by the waters of prayer down through the ages. Hallowed and blessed by St. Columba and countless Christians for about 1,400 years, as well as by those who were there long before St. Columba, is it any wonder that an aura of spiritual peace surrounds the island (The Miracle Hunters, 1959).

 Iona is often described as a "thin place," where the material and spiritual worlds seem separated only by the thinnest of veils.  As I wandered around this sacred spot, drawing in the extraordinary beauty and peace of this place, I would wholeheartedly agree.  Iona is a "thin place".  

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