Saturday, June 14, 2014



We visited Taizé, a small village in eastern France.  For over 50 years, it has been the home of a Christian monastic community made up of over 100 brothers from around 30 countries, speaking many different languages and, uniquely, belonging to several different Christian denominations. Catholics, Anglicans, Protestants, Orthodox and others live and pray together, share a simple life and welcome the tens of thousands of visitors who come to spend time with them every year from all over the world. 
The Community describes itself as a "parable of communion", living proof that it is possible for Christians from all denominations to overcome the divisions of the past, to live, work and worship together, united by their shared trust in Christ.
Taizé has developed a unique style of meditative singing which focuses on the repetitive chanting that reflects the meditative nature of the community. Taize music emphasizes simple phrases, usually lines from Psalms or other pieces of the Bible, repeated and sometimes also sung in canon. The repetition is intended to aid meditation and prayer.  The three daily services also include short Bible readings and prolonged periods of silence. Learning to listen to God in the company of others is at the heart of prayer at Taizé.
The links below give you an example of this music.

After a time of preparation, a new brother in the community makes his lifelong commitment. Here are the words used to express this commitment.

Beloved brother, what are you asking for?

The mercy of God and the community of my brothers.

May God complete in you what he has begun.

Brother, you trust in God’s mercy: remember that the Lord Christ comes to help your humble faith and that committing himself with you, he fulfils for you his promise:

Truly, there is no one who has left everything because of Christ and the Gospel who will not receive a hundred times as much at present – brothers and sisters and mothers and children – and persecutions too, and in the age to come eternal life.

This is a way contrary to all human reason but, like Abraham, you can only advance along it by faith, not by sight, confident that whoever gives their life for Christ’s sake will find it.

From now on, walk in the steps of Christ. Do not be anxious about tomorrow. Seek first God’s Kingdom and his justice. Surrender yourself, give yourself, and a good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be poured out for you.

Whether you wake or sleep, night and day, the seed springs up and grows, you know not how.

Do not let your inner life make you look sad. Anoint your head and wash your face, so that only your Father who is in secret may know the intention of your heart.

Stay simple and joyful, with the joy of the merciful, the joy of brotherly love.

Be vigilant. If you have to rebuke a brother, keep it between the two of you. Always seek fellowship with your neighbour.

Be open about yourself, remembering that you have a brother whose responsibility it is to listen to you. Be understanding of him, so that he may fulfil his ministry with joy.

The Lord Christ, in his compassion and his love for you, has chosen you to be in the Church a sign of brotherly love. He calls you to live out, with your brothers, the parable of community.

So, renouncing from now on all thought of looking back, and joyful with boundless gratitude, never fear to run ahead of the dawn, to praise, and bless, and sing Christ your Lord.

Receive me, Lord Christ, and I shall live; may my hope be a source of joy.

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