Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Today's Hike-Waterfall



This morning I decided to explore a few of the area waterfalls.  It is amazing to experience the force and power of water as it roars off these falls.  Contemporary Christian Singer Chris Tomlin was struck by the power of water and relates it to God's power that washes over us.  He wrote a song currently on the radio called "Waterfall".  Listen to Chris explain the story behind his song.

Below are the lyrics to "Waterfall".

O God, my God I seek You
I wanna move when You move
You’re more than I could long for
I thirst for You
You’re an ocean to my soul
To my soul

Your love is like a waterfall, waterfall
Running wild and free
You hear my heart when I call, when I call
Deep calls to deep
Your love is like a waterfall, waterfall
Raining down on me
Waterfall, waterfall

O God my God, I seek You
In this dry and desert land
You lead me to streams of mercy once again
You’re an ocean to my soul
To my soul

It’s coming like a flood
I’m dancing in the rain
Everything I’ve done is covered in rivers of grace

It’s coming like a flood
I’m dancing in the rain
I lift up my hands
Your love never changes

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